29.05.2020. Matej Petrinović, Mario Pilija
The flow of every project in a perfect world goes approximately thus: there are a lot of tasks at the beginning, so we conduct a plan how to deal with them; we start to solve them and the number of tasks decreases over time. Eventually, of course, there are no tasks left and the project is finished. However, in reality, every now and then an unexpected or unforeseen task comes up and slows down the process a bit.

What if we could predict those situations, take them into consideration in the planning phase of an iteration and by doing so, significantly save time and money?

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13.06.2018. Goran Kiršić, Business Analysis Team Lead

How can IT PM learn from basketball coaching legends? Quote from the title belongs to legendary NCAA Basketball coach John Wooden. So you may think what does college team sport has to do with development team. I’ll say both nothing and everything at the same time.

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